Thursday, September 14, 2006
Yes Virginia, there REALLY is a Santa Claus!
You know, I figured I would return here after a long day spent gnashing my teeth at the DMV full of bloggy-goodness to share with you all. Well, guess what? I was wrong. I went down there fully expecting to fight my way towards a license renewal (which is not at all straight forward for non-citizens, as a rule) and instead found myself in and out in a matter of fifteen minutes at the most. Isn't it amazing what mundane little things can renew ones faith in humanity?? The lady I dealt with was pleasant, good-natured and polite. I was amazed. And quite speechless. Which does not happen to me often, I assure you.

I did, however, lose a really nice pair of Serengeti sunglasses in the process, due wholly to the fact that I was so flustered after being called to the service counter within five minutes of my arrival. Balancing my inch thick manila folder of immigration documentation, my coffee, my purse, car keys and ticket stub, I left my sunglasses sitting on the chair beside me. By the time I went after them, they were long gone. I am certain they adorn the face of some thieving jerk as we speak.

So, the renewed faith in humanity lasted all of about twenty-three minutes. Not bad for a Thursday, right?

Speaking of Thursday, this one in particular is the season premiere of Survivor. Whee! This pleases me greatly as I am a total Survivor junkie. Woot! I am not sure yet how I feel about the whole racial segregation aspect of it this time around but I will be sure and let you know as my opinion is formed. Gay: The fact that i can take a survivor challenge based on questions from each series and get 100% right. This should NOT be my claim to fame.

Speaking of fame, let me tell you something about my dog. (Surprise Gargamel, this is me talking about my dog instead of my kid again.) The Leester and I recently went to our favorite little local pub, The Cigar Lounge, for ladies night. (No, TL doesn't have the required DNA but I wasn't going to go without him) I brought my beloved camera so I could take a bunch of pictures of the occasion for the owner, who is a friend of ours, to put up on their website. Wow, this is all over the place, bear with me. On ladies night they have some local radio personalities there as promotion, along with a salon doing a bunch of girlie stuff etc. Well, I showed the radio girl, JanaBanana, pictures of my beloved dog Divot and she mentioned him in the radio show the next day! The Divot, he is famous! The Leester probably could have earned some fame as well, except I was too busy chuckling over the fact that I made the girl wax his eyebrows to get pictures as proof!

The Leester: Not so much a manly-man this week. Hah! I love it! His eyebrows look good though! Maybe next time I can make him get his back waxed?? Nah, I didn't think so!

Well kids, I have nothing else for you. Sorry! I hope you all have a splendid night. Tune in tomorrow for something witty...maybe.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been through two pair of Serengeti sunglasses. It's a wonderfully horrid feeling. Everything was going well for you that day so you KNOW something had to screw up.

Survivor sucks.

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