Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Who In Their Right Mind...
Who in their right mind writes a post at this hour?? Good thing I never claimed to be in my right mind then, isn't it?

Life continues at a hectic pace, and here I sit at 11:16 this Valentines day, just decompressing. For those curious, this one passes like all the ones preceding it, without fanfare. Surprised? either.

One day I will get him trained. Trained to not attempt to convince me that this day is a Colombian conspiracy in order to validate drug running flights with the pretense of the delivery of the multitudes of roses being flown in for American saps buying into the hullabaloo that dictates they should gift them to their wives, girlfriends and significant others on this Hallmark day.

And one day, his sex life will improve drastically. Until then? February 14th is no different than February 13th or February 15th.

Yeah...alright then.

This week has not been fun; Oldilocks is in the hospital, currently awaiting an MRI (after countless other tests, x-rays, CT-Scans etc.). I brought her in on Monday after two weeks of debilitating pain that has seen her rocking back and forth in a chair, unable to do anything else. The Doctors worry that she may have a compression fracture of the spine, due to old age. Her poor old bones. I feel very sad for her and quite helpless to make this better for her. Keep your fingers crossed for me, please? I am her least favorite person right now, as I forced her to seek medical attention...for the second time in no less than 50 years. If she could summon them, lightening bolts would have stricken me dead by now.

I have this effect on people.

Am cool like that.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful lovey day...and I will be in touch soon.

Huge superficial kisses and hugs and whatever else is in keeping with this holiday.

This one that I hate with the heat of a thousand fiery suns.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

chin up kid and when the shit hits the fan, duck!!!!!

know that we luv u

Blogger Kait said...

I hope that Oldilocks is feeling better soon. Once the doctors are able to offer her some relief, maybe she will come around and you'll be her most favorite person ever!

Blogger Dare said...

I've been sitting here for five minutes trying to figure out wtf to comment and the cold medication has taken every intelligent thought straight out of my head into my snot and out of my - how's that for a visual...
I'll just say I miss you and be done with it.

...I am.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all right, Dee! I saw my hubby for about 10 waking minutes on the 14th! It was like, "Hi, Happy Valentine's Day...Bye!" I left town at 4pm (before he got home) to go to visit my mom (he is driving over with the boys Friday afternoon for the weekend). T was going to have t-ball practice that night anyways, so was no romance gonna be happening!!! I left him a card, but he never even saw it...I had to TELL him it was there. Dummy.

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