Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Because Molly Said So...
And, anyone who knows Molly (a.k.a. my baby sister)--what she says goes. Without question. Or she will, in fact, melt you with her death stare of doom. And other really scary stuff, that in my family, we just plain old know not to question. Because we ALL prefer life in forms OTHER than a puddle of melty goo on the floor.

Just trust me on this one, will you? It's safer that way.

Shhh... I think I hear her coming.

So then! How are you? Why, great! Glad to hear it. Vacation was fun and relaxing and sunshiny and warm. So, here: Have some gratuitous beachy type vacation photos!

(Click on photo to see the next photo in the stream)


In other news, my parents will be back at The Casa G. on Friday for the weekend, before jetting off to the Atlantic coast for a stay in another condo somewhere over there. And, they are bringing The Prodigy with them for a few days when they go. Which means The Leester and I will be kid free for a bit. WOOOOOHOOOOOO!

And, even more exciting? My Auntie Lynne is coming for a visit while my Mom and Dad are here, so we get to see her for the first time in seven or more years. Wheeee! Good times to be had by all.

For now, Ciao, my friends. Time to make dinner before the natives get restless.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


The picture of the bird taking off? GORGEOUS!!! Everything about it screams professional career calling your name! I say go get the "pipe dream" camera and get started. And yes, you can tell Lee it's my fault, my idea, if you go spend all that $$$ on a new camera. Actually, you are doing fabulous with the one you've got! I'm so impressed!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea... dont forget. See you Sat evening 8 pm Orlando airport... I'll be the smilin white haired old lady.. (that should help you recognize me after sooo long!)
Can't wait to see you. Have the Bud cold!!
Auntie Lynne

Blogger Kait said...

Yay for visiting with family, and for being kid-less for a few days. Glad to hear that you're doing well! :)

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