Tuesday, September 04, 2007
It's Official!
I am officially a college student.

I am officially twice as old as the average college student.

The college will officially charge me three times the tuition per credit hour if I am unable to provide proof of VISA status and therefore, residency, prior to commencement of classes.

I desire to be registered for four classes in the very, very near future.

The USCIS is officially still posting a backlog of five months processing time for our required, and already paid for, service.

All of this makes me six times as likely to want to punch some Government worker in the face than your average Joe.

See, I can count--who needs college, anyway!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woah, wait, so if you DON'T have a visa they will still let you go to school there? They're just going to charge you up the ass???

Well, I guess at least they aren't even attempting to pretend like it's some kind of "patriot act" BS

(Which is alarming, really. Everyone knows Canadians are dangerous.)

Blogger Dee G. said...

See, good call Britt. While we do technically have the VISA, and have had it for about 7 years now, we are currently in processing time to have it extended. So technically, while the app. is pending, we are not in valid status, but in limbo. Yes, I can go to college there, I just have to pay out of state tuition instead of resident rates. Trippy, right? Of course, it is technically easier for me to study here than it might be for some other international students, as Canada is a member of NAFTA and such, but I wonder how that would cross over to other Countries--say for people wanted to take a quicky pilot training course.

Bureaucracy--shall we talk about how much it blows goats? I can play any system by the rules, as long as the rules are clearly defined--yanno? And these ones, they just are not. The right hand never knows what the left hand is doing.

Blogger steenface! said...

Congratulations, Dee! Welcome to the club! Where you pay a ridiculous amount of money for low-rent textbooks! And deal with kids who are far younger than you in all your classes! :D

A Canadian with medical training... is there a more dangerous thing in existence??

Anonymous Anonymous said...


See ya when we get back from bee-you-ti-ful BC!

Hi, Auntie Lynne

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi glad to hear from you again... and congrats on the College stuff.
Will keep you informed re: October... only 25 days left in my house and 150 or so days left at work... but who's counting!!Retirement sounds sweet starting with 2 months in Florida... cant wait for April 1 to get here
Have a great day
Love to all
Auntie Lyn

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, congratulations on your pending college education! Nothing makes me more frightened than putting our government in charge of something that might actually be very important.

It's really best to just get them to paint the yellow lines on the road and print government forms in a multitude of languages...

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